Unfortunately, all of us have been affected in one way or another this tumultuous year by the Covid-19 virus, and museums are no exception.  However, we hope 2021 will offer new opportunities for progress and growth for all.  At the beginning of the year, we were ready to submit an exciting proposal for an exhibit to another museum here in Tucson.  Regrettably, that institution closed its doors to the public due to Covid-19, and our proposal had to be put on hold.  Therefore, Tucson residents and visitors lost the possibility of viewing another part of our Museum’s eye-catching collections.  Nevertheless, museum websites can also offer enriching, educational experiences.  This year the Castañeda Museum’s website fell victim to two malicious viruses, of a different type, causing great damage and headaches.  Our new web developers have generously offered to donate their time and services to construct a new and improved site for us.  As we are rebuilding, we have been devoting our time to the 3 Rs: Research and Review of our collections, and Restoration of pieces where needed. 
This “reminder newsletter” in black and white greatly reduces our printing costs and allows us to keep our mailing list up-to-date.  Please don’t forget our regular annual Newsletter in vibrant color can be viewed year-round on our website.  A new article on the site recounts the journey of a WWII doll from Paris, France, that eventually arrived in present-day Tucson.  Since we are entering the holiday season, the website Newsletter will feature an interesting  Japanese New Year tradition.  We hope you enjoy both topics.
We want to thank all our donors for making it possible to share so many of our folk and ethnic textiles, dolls, and masks with the public. These pieces are historical “documents” and need to be made available to everyone, which can be done by attending actual exhibits or by viewing these items on our website.
Our two letters also announce our annual fund-raising appeal. We are limited in our endeavors without your generosity.  Please consider this the time to contribute to our campaign of cultural enrichment for all.  Donors are listed on our website Newsletter.  


We are a 501(c)(3) entity, so all donations are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.


Wishing you and yours a safe, healthy 2021!


Gayle Castañeda      Director & Curator
